JSW Racing 提供三種管道,讓客戶選擇方便與我們聯繫的方式。

☞ 官方LINE:@jswracing

  • JSW Racing相關問題,請在對話框內留言、無需理會系統自動訊息,等候客服於服務時段內依序回覆。
  • 訂單相關問題,請提供姓名、訂單編號、手機號碼或其他聯絡方式,這是與客服聯繫最好的方法。
  • 真人服務時段為週一至週日 下午1:00-下午4:00,若遇休息時段則會於下一次服務時段內回覆。
  • 加入好友連結:https://lin.ee/mKJKIiy

☞ Email:[email protected]

  • 來信請提供姓名、訂單編號、手機號碼或其他聯絡方式,這是與客服聯繫最好的方法。
  • 客服回覆時間為週一至週日,客服會於收到訊息後的24小時內回覆,若遇休息時段則會於下一個工作天時回覆。

☞ 粉絲團:FB(https://www.facebook.com/jswracingg) IG (https://www.instagram.com/jsw_racing/)

  • 請私訊姓名、電話,客服收到會儘快與您聯絡。

JSW Racing offers three channels, allowing customers to choose the convenient way to contact us.

Please choose one of the customer service channels and please do not ask questions repeatedly. Thank you for your cooperation:)

Official LINE: @jswracing

For questions related to JSW Racing, please leave a message in the dialog box, ignore the automatic system message, and wait for customer service to reply in sequence during the service hours.

For order-related questions, please provide your name, order number, mobile phone number or other contact information. This is the best way to contact customer service.

The live service period is from Monday to Sunday from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. If there is a break, we will reply during the next service period.

Add friend link: https://lin.ee/mKJKIiy

Email: [email protected]

Please provide your name, order number, mobile phone number or other contact information when writing. This is the best way to contact customer service.

Customer service response time is from Monday to Sunday. Customer service will reply within 24 hours after receiving the message. If there is a break, the customer service will reply on the next working day.

Fan Pages: FACEBOOK (https://www.facebook.com/jswracingg) INSTAGRAM (https://www.instagram.com/jsw_racing/)

Please send a private message with your name and phone number, and customer service will contact you as soon as possible.